More Publications
- Killworth and Bernard 1974, Catij and its Application to a Prison Living Unit
- 1974. H. Russell Bernard and Peter D. Killworth. Scientists as Others See Them Ocean Development and International Law Journal 4(3):261-68.
- Text Analysis (Bernard and Ryan 1998)
- Fluid Management in Rural Mexico (Martínez et al. 1996) – Homero Martínez, L. M. Menenses, H. R. Bernard, and P. J. Pelto. Selection of Culturally Sound Home Fluid Management of Infantile Diarrhoea in Rural Mexico. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 17(2):120–28.
- 2021 H. Russell Bernard. Online Is Not Just as Good as F2F for Teaching Research Methods – It’s Better. Journal of Archaeology and Education 5(1)
- 2021 Aaron Brookhouse, T. Derr, H. Karimi, H. R. Bernard, and J. Tang. Road to the White House: Analyzing the relations between mainstream and social media during the U.S. presidential primaries. Proceedings of the 32st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media. August 2021 Pages 57-66 | Full Article
- 2021 Ryan, Gery and H. R. Bernard. Ethnographic Decision Models with Qualitative Data. A Thoroughly Mixed Method. In: The Routledge Reviewer’s Guide to Mixed Methods Analysis, A. J. Onwuegbuzie and R. Burke Johnson, eds. New Yor: Routledge. pp.173-183.
- 2021. Chakraborty, T., K. Shu, H. R. Bernard, H. Liu, and M. S. Akhtar, eds. Combating Online Hostile Posts in Regional Languages during Emergency Situation. First International Workshop, CONSTRAINT 2021, Collocated with AAAI 2021, Virtual Event, February 8, 2021, Revised Selected Papers. Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland.
- 2022. Ruth, A., K. Mayfour, T. Sangaramoorthy,B. M J. Brayboy, M.Beresford, A, Brewis, H. R. Bernard, M. Z. Glegziabher, J. Hardin, K, Harper, P. Mahdavi, J. S. Snodgrass,C. SturtzSreetharan, and A. Wutich. 2022. Teaching ethnographic methods for cultural anthropology: Current practices and needed innovation. Teaching Anthropology 11:59-72
- 2022. Qiang Sheng, Juan Cao, H. Russell Bernard, Kai Shu, Jintao Li, and Huan Liu. Characterizing Multi-domain False News and Underlying User Effects on Chinese Weibo Information Processing & Management 59(4) 102959
- 2022. Citizen Social scientists’ observations on complex tasks match trained research assistants’, suggesting lived experiences are valuable in data collection. SturtzSreetharan, C, A. Ruth, A. Wutich, M. Glegziabher, C Mitchell, H. R. Bernard, and A. Brewis. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 6(1): 37, pp. 1–15. DOI
- 2022. Teaching Ethnographic Methods: The State of the Art. Alissa Ruth, Katherine Mayfour, Jessica Hardin, Thurka Sangaramoorthy, Amber Wutich, H. Russell Bernard, Alexandra Brewis, Melissa Beresford, Cindi SturtzSreetharan, Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy, H.J. François Dengah II, Clarence C. Gravlee, Greg Guest, Krista Harper, Pardis Mahdavi, Siobhán M. Mattison, Mark Moritz, Rosalyn Negrón, Barbara A. Piperata, Jeffrey G. Snodgrass, and Rebecca Zarger. Human Organization, Vol. 81, No. 4
- 2022. Structural measures of personal networks predict migrants’ cultural backgrounds: an explanation from Grid/Group theory. Molina, J. L., J. Ozaita, I. Tamarit, A. Sanchez, C. McCartyf, and H. R. Bernard. PNAS Nexus, 2022, 1, 1-8.
- Scientists and Crew – A Case Study in Communications at Sea – H. Russell Bernard & Peter D. Killworth 1974. Maritime Policy and Management, 2:2, 112-125
- 2023 Exploring Platform Migration Patterns between Twitter and Mastodon: A User Behavior Study. Ujon Jeong, Paras Sheth, Anique Tahir, Faisal Alatawi, H. Russell Bernard, Huan Liu. International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM paper 1235)
- 2012 Paul Nchoji Nkwi & H. Russell Bernard | African Responses to HIV/ AIDS – Between Speech and Action. Edited by Segun Ige and Tim Quinlan
- 2024 — Deep hanging out, mixed methods toolkit, or something else? Current ethnographic practices in US anthropology. Jeffrey G. Snodgrass, Michael G. Lacy, Amber Wutich, H. Russell Bernard, Kathryn S. Oths, Melissa Beresford, et al. Annals of Anthropological Practice 48:20-35.
- Dillon, Sj, Y. Liang, H. R. Bernard and K. Shu. 2024. Investigating Gender Euphoria and Dysphoria on TikTok: Characterization and Comparison. The 16th International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining -ASONAM-2024. Multidisciplinary Track. University of Calabria, Rende (CS), Calabria, Italy, September 02-05, 2024.
Network Analysis
- The search for social physics. Sunbelt Keynote (Bernard and Killworth 1997)
- Why are there no social physics? (Bernard and Killworth 1979)
- Reply to Goldsmith: Let’s Be Really Clear about This (Bernard and Killworth 1982)
- Review of Small-World Studies 1978
- Measuring Patterns of Acquaintanceship
- A Pseudomodel of the Small-World Problem
- CATij: A new sociometric applied to a prison living unit 1974
- Information Flow in Social Networks (Shelley et al. 1990)
- Index: An Informant-Defined Experiment in Social Structure
- Comparing Four Methods for Measuring Social Networks
- Comparing Mental Maps
- How much of a network does the GSS and RSW dredge up?
- Studying Social Relations Cross-Culturally (1988)
- Networks through Time 1973
- The Reverse Small World Experiment 1978
- Ocean-going Vessel, etc 1973
- Human Group Dynamics
- Review of Freeman’s “The Development of Social Network Analysis” 2005
- Tighe et al. 2014. The Operating Room: It’s a Small World (and Scale Free Network) After All.
- Tighe et al. 2015. The painful tweet: text, sentiment, and community structure analyses of tweets pertaining to pain.
- Bernard 2014. Foreword. Mixed methods in network research
- Words as Actors: A Method for Doing Semantic Network Analysis – Michael Schnegg and H. Russell Bernard Field Methods 1996
- An Elite Group in Deaf Society – William C. Stokoe, H. Russell Bernard, Carol Padden 1976
- Freeman 1981 Russell’s Paradox and KB Respond, Goedel’s Spoof
- Bernard and Killworth 1981. Response to Burt and Bitner
Papers from the network scale-up project
- Estimating the Size of Event Populations II (1989)
- Estimating the Size of Personal Networks (1990)
- Estimating the Size of Event Populations I (1991)
- Who Knows Your HIV status? I (1995)
- Corroborating the number of HIV/AIDS victims in the U.S. (1995)
- Eliciting Representative Samples of Networks (1997)
- Estimating the incidence of HIV, rape, and homelessness (1998)
- Estimating Seroprevalence in the U.S. (1998)
- Estimating the Ripple Effect of a Disaster (2001)
- Two Methods for Estimating Network Size (2001)
- Two Interpretations of Reports of Knowledge of Population Size (2003)
- Accuracy of small-world chains. (2006)
- Estimating Heroin Use (2006)
- Who Knows Your HIV status? II. (2006)
- Transmission and Barrier Effects in Investigating network size (2006)
- Counting hard-to-count populations (2010)
- Powerpoint PDF’s: The scale-up method: History and theory (2009)
- Powerpoint PDF’s: How to conduct a network scale-up study (2009)
Kalymnos, Greece
- Greek Sponge Boats in Florida. Anthrop. Quaterly 1965
- Kalymnian Sponge Diving. Human Biology 1967
- Spongaleia Tis Kalymnou (Greek Translation of Kalymnian Sponge Diving)
- Kalymnos — Island of the Sponge Fisherman
- Paratsoukli: Institutionalized Nicknaming in Rural Greece 1969
- Spongaleia tis Kalymnou 1970
- The fisherman and his wife (1976)
- Sponge Fishing and Technological Change
- Sponge Markets of Kalymnos
- Greek Return Migration I (Bernard and Ashton-Vouyoukalos 1976)
- Greek Return Migration II (Bernard and Comitas 1978)
- Bernard, H.R. 1968. Kalymnos: Economic and Cultural Change on a Greek Sponge Fishing Island. University Microfilms (Ph.D. thesis)
Informant Accuracy
- Informant Accuracy: The Validity of Retrospective Data
- Informant Accuracy in Social Network Data I
- Informant Accuracy in Social Network Data II
- Informant Accuracy in Social Network Data III
- Informant Accuracy in Social Network Data IV
- Informant Accuracy in Social Network Data V
- Accuracy of Small World Chains (Killworth, McCarty, Bernard, House 2006)
- Summary of research on informant accuracy in network data, and on the reverse small world problem
CELIAC (Centro Editorial de Literatura Indígena, Asociación Civil)
- CELIAC book list and order info
- Language Preservation and Publishing H. Russell Bernard
- Experiences in the Development of a Writing System for Ñuu Savi. Josefa Leonarda González Ventura
- Saving and Strengthening Indigenous Mexican Languages: The CELIAC Experience. Jesús Salinas Pedraza
- Experiences in the Development of a Writing System for Ñuu Savi
- Preserving Language Diversity
- The power of print
- La Formación de Autores Autóchtonos en el CELIAC (Bernard & Salinas 2000)
- Review of Otomi Folk Tales, Bartholomew, 1979
- Otomi Tones, Bernard, 1966
- Vowels of Mezquital Otomi, Bernard, 1967
- Reply to Bartholomew on Nasalization in Otomi, Bernard, 1970
- Otomi Phonology and Orthography, Bernard, 1973
- Otomi Tones in Discourse, Bernard, 1974
- Otomi Obscene Humor, Bernard, 1975
- Orthography for Whom, Bernard, 1980
- Does Marking Tone Make Tone Languages Easier To Read?
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